Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Like a paradise

Sun Set
Sugeng handoko are my good friends who currently reside in a beautiful place. Born in the beautiful place, then make sugeng's soul always want to preserve the beauty of his village. Nglanggeran, that's the name of that place which like heaven. Many tourists from all over the place to come. Recreational activities until the order activities to reforestation. 
Care of business, increased safety and productivity of youth continue to be done. This place has the nature and circumstances of the cool air. You easily can see the sun rise and sun set. State of nature and culture are increasingly adding beautiful and comfortable atmosphere of this village. 
The community here used to greet others, although not known. This made the settlers and tourists feel more at home there. There is no pollution, no violence, no that is not beautiful in this village. You can come to tour this trim mountain.
  • Address : Nglanggeran Mount , Nglanggeran village, Sub district Patuk Gunungkidul, Located in the northern region Baturagung Gunungkidul District 
  • natural state : altitude between 200-700 meters above sea level with average air temperature 23 ˚ C - 27 ˚ C, the distance of 20 km from the Wonosari city and 25 km from the Yogyakarta city. 
Other photos of Nglanggeran village can you see HERE

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Rencong Aceh
Rencong (Reuncong) is once of traditional weapon from Indonesia, aceh. Rencong has used as a symbol of courage of the fighters and the people of Aceh in the struggle. Rencong also used as weapons for defense that is now changed into a traditional weapon (as a garnish in traditional dress of aceh).
Aceh rencong form adopted many forms of weapons from the Arabs. Forms rencong also began to follow its development, particularly Turkey and the subcontinent India. The handle-shaped rencong straight. and some are curved upwards. Rencong with the handle curved upwards called rencong Meucungkek, usually handles are made from ivory and horn
Rencong have a degree level in the people of Aceh. For a King/ Sultan and the Queen/ Sulthanah scabbard dagger made from ivory and stiletto made from gold. while the ordinary people make scabbard their from buffalo horn or wood, and stiletto made rom brass or white metal, according to the economic capacity of themselves. 
Aceh as an important military power in the Malay region. Rencong also has similarities with the blade that is used by Turkish soldiers in the Ottoman Turkish Sultan Mahmud's empire, and also from some mughal scimitar with style rapiers and daggers (Caucasian language), which depends hanging from a belt hanging walled, in Madras, India in 1610-1620. Examples of these weapons can be seen in the illustration of books in both Dutch colonial wars produced by the Documentation and Data Centre in Aceh 1977.


Keris (java, indonesia) is a weapon dagger stabbing class (pointed at the tip and sharp on both of sides) with many cultural functions are known in western and central area of Indonesia. The shape is distinctive and easy to distinguish from the other sharp weapons, because it is not symmetrical at the base that widened. often Blade tortuous and many of it have prestige (damascene), that is strokes bright metal blade on blade. Type of stabbing. The weapon that has similarities with the dagger is called badik. 

Years ago, keris use as a weapon for a duel or battle or as the object complement for offerings. But now Keris has more function such as accessory items (ageman) for dressing, as a number of cultural symbols, or become a collectibles that assessed as aesthetics value.

function of keris spread from the community affected by the Majapahit empire such as Java, Madura, Nusa Tenggara, Sumatra, Coast Kalimantan, part of Sulawesi, the Malay Peninsula, southern Thailand and southern Philippines (Mindanao). Keris Mindanao known as kalis. In Every palce, keris has its own peculiarities in appearance,  function, technique filmed, and terminology.

Actualy, form of keris has not been fully explained, because there is no source of true descriptive writing about it from period before 15th century, although the mention of the term keris was listed in the inscription from the 9th century. Scientific study of keris development based largely on analysis of figures at reliefs of temple or statue. Meanwhile, knowledge about the function of the keris is traceable from some of the inscriptions and the reports of foreign explorers to the archipelago.

Modern Keris that we know now is believed by historians has gotten its design from majapahit period (14th century) and new Mataram empire (17th century), although relief in Bahal temple is still as heritage of Panai/Pane empire (11th century ), as part of Sriwijaya, empire in Portibi, north Sumatera. this is show indication that at 10-11th century keris are known has found its desing as now. From 15th century, once of relief in Sukuh temple, that was cult place from last Majapahit period, shown a master craftsman was creating keris. This is to be historians reason to laim that design of keris whict known now has achieved its development at Majapahit period.